Monday, 7 October 2013

Final Project - Part Four - Result

Above - Final image Large Print

Below individual images

Final Project - Part Three - Combining liquids and film

Throughout my process I found that by combining the 'mixing liquids' and layering the film in front of it I found that the unique patterns made by the liquid added some nifty effects into the film.

Final Project - Part Two - Research (pt2)

Mixing Liquids

Final Project - Part Two - Research (pt1)

What is X-processing?

Cross-processing (also known as “xpro”) is the procedure of deliberately processing film in a chemical solution intended for a different type of film. As the chemical mixture is optimized for a special kind of film, you will get unpredictable results when combined differently.
Before anything else, let us brief you on the different chemicals used for some of the common types of film that we use:
  • Color negative film (also known as “negatives”) uses C-41 chemicals for processing. You get negatives as a result to these.
  • Color reversal film (also known as “slide film” or “transparency” film) uses E-6 chemicals for processing. You get “slides” as a result of these. Think of slides as the slides that your grandparents used for slide projectors (hence the word “slideshow”) to bore everyone with their photos from their last trip.
Now comes the fun part. When you cross-process, you use the chemicals for color negative film with color reversal films, and vice-versa.
  • If you process negative film thru the slide chemicals (E-6), you will get slides. Although the colors will not be as wacky; you will just get a kind of slide film with no big color shifts.
  • If you process slide film in the negative chemicals (C-41), you will get negative film, but with the Lomographic burst of colors! This is because the color layers of the film were not optimized for this. As a result, the photos turn out saturated or grainy or with high contrast and you get all kinds of unexpected results. Different films have different characteristics when cross-processed. Some turn out more yellow or more green while others turn purple or red.

Final Project - Part One - Reworking the concept

The original concept was to use my smartphone as a makeshift lightboard and do some 'manual filters' with the negative film. However when I tried this out I encountered several problems.

So I reworked the concept.

I looked around my house for items that I could use to play around with the film.

My inventory:

- A Vase
- Water
- Food colouring dye
- Film negatives
- Camera with tripod (55-200mm lens)

The new concept

"I will fill the vase up with water. Then attach my film to the vase and place it in front of a window. I will then add drops of food colouring in the vase and take photos, observing the effects the colouring has in the water plus change of colour".

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Final Project - Expanded Photographics

Ah film photography. I haven't used you since I was about six years of age. Perhaps it's time to revisit those golden years. 

"What I purpose it to take images of the landscape around me. I will then take the negatives and rephotograph them while they are on a light box. But my hope is that I can change the colour of the light being projected into the negatives. My theory is that could drastically change the tone of the photo that is produced. And that is what I'm most interested in seeing. If that doesn't happen, no worries. I've planned on taking multiple photographs of each light source just incase my initial plan doesn't work out. For the final product I think a large print would be worth doing. "

I don't have any images to show you yet, as I haven't been able to afford to get my images processed. But I have taken a rolls worth of images. 

That's the best I can say for now. I don't think I'll be able to make it into class today. Was a bit sick this morning and subsequently missed my bus. So even if I were to catch the next one I would likely still miss the whole class altogether.